Work Visa Overview

Every foreign national who desires to work in Canada must obtain a work visa to maintain their legal status. In Canada, another term for a work visa is a work permit. Thankfully, you can explore a large spectrum of opportunities to work in Canada as there are multiple options to obtain a work permit as per the individual situation.

LMIA Based Work Permits

Canada encourages foreign workers to seek employment through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). However, LMIA based work permits make sure that the program does not…

LMIA Exempt Work Permit

In most cases, a Canadian employer can hire foreign workers subject to a positive Labor Market Inspection (LMIA) report. However, thanks to the International Mobility Program (IMP),empl…

Work Permit Exemptions

Canada mandates a work permit for most foreign nationals willing to work for a Canadian employer for compensation. You can also work without a work permit in exceptional situations. However… 

Open Work Permit

Canada offers multiple work permit options for qualified workers from across the world. An Open work permit does not require you to specify any particulars of the job you will be…

Working in Quebec

Thanks to the rich cultural heritage and French language, Quebec has a unique position in the immigration landscape of Canada. Quebec has special rules to select immigrants who will not…

Global Talent Stream 

The Global Talent Stream (GTS) program is the wing of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. It supplements the need for highly skilled talent in crucial occupations such as Software E…

Bridging Open WP (BOWP)

The Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) allows foreign nationals who are currently working in Canada to extend their work permit while they await a decision on their permanent residency application (APR).


The objective of the CUSMA/NAFTA program is to grant temporary work permits to eligible applicants of the USA and Mexico. The new agreement of CUSMA aims at replacing the North Ame…

Working Holiday Visa

Young foreign nationals between the ages of 25 and 35 can aspire to come to Canada to gain international exposure. The international experience class program offers the category of …

Apply WP Step by Step

Foreign nationals can leverage a wide assortment of work permit programs as Canada welcomes international talent to meet economic and social objectives. Canada awards thousands of wo…

Pathway to PR

Canada has a long history of welcoming foreign nationals who are skilled workers in essential categories as permanent residents. Federal skilled workers can qualify to become permanent..